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  • nichkopetzky

Classic Single Review: "Fire and Rain" by James Taylor

Released: August 1970

TL;DR: The song that gave my blog its name is a timeless classic and easily one of the most underrated pieces of music ever made.

For those who like older music, the name "Fire and Rain" was a very obvious hat tip to folk legend James Taylor, and those who have never heard of him probably at least chuckled at the somewhat predictable choice of name. Songs with weather in the title always get a second or third look from me, simply because I am so into meteorology and the beauty of the skies. That said, this simple, straightforward, yet incredibly emotional and beautifully-written song deserves far more recognition and I will never apologize for saying that.

The production has several equally important components. Acoustic guitars set the foundation, but piano, bass, and percussion all play very important roles in "filling out" the atmosphere and setting a wistful, nostalgic mood. Taylor's narrator really does seem to have seen it all, but the instrumentation is a subtle but powerful reminder that emotions are always present, and when they're unpleasant (sadness, anger, fear, etc.) it can be hard to express them properly, or to remember that they don't have to stop us from doing what we want to AND what we need to for the good of ourselves or others.

Taylor is such a phenomenal vocalist that I don't even feel the need to explain. His voice is always pleasant in terms of tone and range, and he can convey his point easily without needing to belt. Make no mistake, though, these vocals are powerful, and he never truly leaves any doubt about how he was feeling.

Lyrically, the song details how Taylor's narrator grapples with the loss of an old friend. It's left vague enough that while the most obvious and most likely explanation is that someone he used to know well died suddenly and unexpectedly, it could apply to many situations. Grief comes in many forms, including when we finally realize fully for the first time that the world can be a harsh, cruel place. Even if life is unfair to everyone, and it truly is sometimes at least, that's more of a grim solace of the sort that you commiserate with others about, not something to celebrate.

Nothing more really needs to be said. I've always loved this song.

Rating: 9/10 (timeless and beautiful)

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