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  • nichkopetzky

Concert Review: Ayah Abdul at WithLoveFest2

Location: The Delancey, Lower East Manhattan, New York, New York

Date: September 4, 2022

The only problem with this opening set for the more well known @withlovexavier: it was only 4 songs and 15-20 minutes long.

Sometimes, artists use harsh lyrics, grating sounds, or other melodramatic techniques to get the attention of the cruel, uncaring machinery of the music industry. Case in point: the opening act immediately after the subject of this review loudly demanded that people in the back at the bar stop talking and listen. The frustration is certainly understandable; after all, so many talented stars are broken by the grind of NYC. So many others are left brokenhearted by their inability to break through in spite of opportunities. So I write tonight about the most talented singer most of you have never heard of: Ayah Abdul, whose debut single "Addiction" is within my regular listening rotation, and which I reviewed for this blog (see related posts below.)

The best pure understated singer since Billie Eilish (at least), Ayah has amassed a significant following on tiktok (@ayahabdul13) with her covers of R&B classics and her original pieces, most of which remain unpublished. That's unfortunate, because the wheels are turning now, albeit slowly. Thanks to the kindness of another grinding, independent musician, Ayah Abdul got to show a small but rapt crowd what I and several other close supporters have been trying so hard to tell anyone who will listen. With that kind of pure vocal talent, raw emotive skill (she doesn't have to try to convey a song's mood; it comes across naturally), and impressive and mysterious songwriting, this is the calm before the storm. Even if Ayah's is never a household name in America, her talent speaks for itself. Her four-song set included one cover ("Focus" by HER), two unreleased, unnamed, but beautiful originals, and of course her debut single itself, which deserves FAR more attention than it's getting. From observing the reactions and whispering of the attentive crowd, they were raptly listening and deeply impressed.

I know I overtalk and overthink and overstate things often. But when my life's passion involves supporting great independent music and talented, hustling, underpromoted, humble rising stars, I feel I'm qualified to say it here. Listen to her debut single on any music platform, and make sure to follow her on tiktok, because her star is rising quickly and soon the bandwagon will fill up. The performance was fantastic, and everyone should be watching Ayah a little more closely the next time she takes the stage.

Concert score: 10/10 (on the rise and then some)

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